Ashburton Little Athletics Centre Inc
powered by TidyHQFirst meeting for season 2018
Minute Taker
Dee Chapman
DC |
Shane Scott
SS |
Jen Aberle
JA | |
Dee Chapman
DC | |
Rebecca Dempsey
RD | |
Sonia Powell
SP | |
Kylie Scott
KS | |
Shane Scott
SS |
1 | Previous Meeting Minutes and actions | For Discussion | |
2 | Tidy HQ introduction and expectations | For Discussion | |
3 | Equipment Officer Position | For Action | |
4 | Committee Position job clarification | For Discussion | |
5 | Season 2018 details | For Action | |
5. 1 | Competition/training Day/time | For Action | |
5. 2 | Season length and dates | For Action | |
5. 3 | Registration Date | For Action | |
5. 4 | Registration Costs | For Action | |
5. 5 | Competition program setup | For Action | |
6 | Parent roster - improvments | For Discussion | |
7 | Grants | For Discussion | |
8 | Required Equipment for 2018 season | For Action | |
9 | Sponsor letters | For Action | |
10 | Constitution Amendment - financial audits. Requires special general meeting | For Action | |
11 | PO Box for club | For Discussion | |
12 | Trailer - club marking | For Action | |
13 | General Business | For Discussion |